

Develop engaging media and marketing strategies by understanding the behaviours, preferences and attitudes of your target market. We partner with leading data and survey providers to produce 13 databases that offer insights on a range of topics, from media and shopping habits to attitudes on charitable giving and the environment. All of our behavioural data can be linked to PRIZM® segments and are available at the postal code level.

  • Opticks Powered by Vividata helps companies, government agencies and not-for-profits build lifestyle and media profiles of their customers that can improve the effectiveness of their media and marketing initiatives.
  • Opticks Powered by Numeris provides lifestyle and media profiles for more than 4,300 variables across a wide range of topics, from radio and TV usage to retail, finance, technology and travel behaviour.
  • Opticks Social Powered by AskingCanadians™ provides more than 750 variables on who is visiting the leading social media websites, what they are doing and how much time they spend blogging, tweeting, posting photos and sharing online content.
  • Opticks Mobile Powered by AskingCanadians™ allows users to accurately profile customers and prospects according to their mobile habits, including minutes spent texting, preferred apps and favourite tablet manufacturers.
  • Opticks eShopper Powered by AskingCanadians™ provides key insights into how different consumers are using the latest online technology in the purchase process.
  • AutoView provides detailed data and insights to understand the competitive automotive landscape through tracking new vehicle registrations and total vehicles in operation that have been provincially registered.
  • GreenLiving database measures Canadians’ attitudes and behaviours regarding household-related environmental issues such as composting, pesticide use, household hazardous waste disposal and the use of gas-powered recreation equipment.
  • CommunityLife database measures key elements of social dynamics, such as the frequency of contact with family and friends, political activism, trust in public institutions and involvement in formal organizations.
  • GivingBack database explores how Canadians volunteer their time, donate money and provide in-kind gifts to charitable and non-profit organizations.
  • Homescan® Profiles database contains more than 13,000 item, brand, category and retail shopper profiles.
  • DonorRank™ is a customizable scoring system that uses wealth and psychographic data to rank your existing donors. It identifies your best prospects according to their capacity to give and interest in your cause.
  • VisitorView produces neighbourhood-level estimates of overnight American, Canadian and international visitors to Canada, the provinces and territories, or one of Canada’s 85 tourism regions as defined by Destination Canada.
  • ShopperChoice offers insights into how the shopping choices of Canadians are changing, including behaviours and attitudes towards in-store and online purchase decisions.
  • ClickScapes captures up-to-date visitors and visits to thousands of mobile apps and websites to support organizations in identifying trends, targeting across channels and keeping an eye on the competition.
  • VoterConnect combines Canada’s largest, most comprehensive and best quality postal code data with historical voting behaviours to support political strategists, campaign managers and canvassers in reaching and communicating with voters.


PRIZM is a registered trademark of Claritas, LLC.

Want to know more about Behavioural Data?

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Create a comprehensive picture of your customers according to their shared demographic, lifestyle and behavioural traits. Discover where they live and understand their preferences to create more effective marketing strategies. In addition to custom segmentation services, we offer four off-the-shelf segmentation systems, including PRIZM®, Canada’s leading consumer segmentation system.


Reach your best customers, track neighbourhood growth patterns and forecast trends with demographic data covering age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, income, housing, cultural diversity and more. We offer five proprietary, privacy-complaint databases, which are built from multiple sources.

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PRIZM is a registered trademark of Claritas, LLC.

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